Dear Customer

This price list, does not pretend to present cost estimates for specific homes.

Prices are based on trades made in each area to provide only general idea to the potential buyer.

Type of house / neighborhood Characteristics Lot size sq.m. Built area sq.m. Price (in millions ₪ )
Homes in Herzliya Pituach Quiet streets, high demand in western neighborhood 500 m² 350 - 400 m² 11-14
1000 m² 600 - 700 m² 22-26
Quiet streets, high demand in eastern neighborhood 500 m² 350 - 400 m² 10 - 13
1000 m² 600 - 700 m² 21-25
Main streets and close to the coastal road 500 m² 350 - 400 m² 8-10
1000 m² 600 - 700 m² 14-16
Gaeli Tchelet, sea view, west side 1000 m² 800 M² 90 - more

The prices apply to 3 - 6 year-old houses.

Possible deviation of 7% in the price. The differences arise from: 1. location of the property; 2. type of lot; 3. condition of house; 4. investment required.

Type of plot / neighborhood Characteristic Lot size sq.m. Built area sq.m. Price (in millions ₪)
Herzliya Pituach construction lots Quiet streets, high demand in eastern neighborhood 500 m² -------------------------------- 7 - 9
1000 m² -------------------------------- 15 - 17
Quiet streets, high demand in eastern neighborhood 500 m² -------------------------------- 6 - 7
1000 m² -------------------------------- 11 - 14
Main streets and close to the coastal road 500 m² -------------------------------- 4 - 5
1000 m² -------------------------------- 8 - 10
Galei Tchelet St., sea view, west side 1000 m² -------------------------------- 70 - More

There may be a deviation of 5% in the price. The differences stem from plot location and configuration.

Most of the plots are sold with their old house.

Type of ownership: administrative/ private land.

Zoning / neighborhood Minimum plot size Number of stories building area number of housing units
Residential area A limited 1,000 m² 1 32.5% Two residential units/per acre. Or 1 residential unit on lot smaller than 750 m².
2 32.5%
Building with split- levels 32.5%
Residential area 2A limited 750 m² 30%X2=60% Two residential units, semi-detached cottages

Possible to build basement within the contour of the entire ground floor area, subject to payment of betterment tax.

On lots for the construction of villas and cottages, swimming pools are permitted in accordance with the provisions and limitations of the construction plan.

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